I Did It My Way

The youngest man ever elected President of the United States

Did you know?

John F. Kennedy wanted to deliver NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Stablization and Recovery Act) for the benefit of the world.
2. He knew about the plans to start the Vietnam war and was an advocate against it.
3. His administration, including his family influence, were referred to as Camelot Come-Again.
4. He was aware of the act of 1871 and was set to expose it to the American people.
5. To be certain, he was opening pathways to fund technologies that would benefit humanity. He knew that ultimately it would lead to our “Freedom” as promised under the Constitution of the United States of America.
6. The Executive Order 11110 was written to make our currency gold-backed,?which would bring about Debt-free currency (no tax and no credit on currency).
7. In 1964, the US government issued the Kennedy, half dollar in 90% silver as a tribute to this great man.
8. From 1965 to 1969 these half dollars were produced in 40% silver and 60% copper.
9. In 1970 limited quantities of the half dollar were issued for proof and mint sales only.
10. In 1971 the 50 Cent piece was produced in copper and nickel.

There was not merely one reason that the evil Deep State-Cabal wanted him out of the picture, and they went so far as to plan and elaborate scheme for his assassination. The truth is that there was a plethora of reasons to remove him from office. Far more than will be mentioned in this writing.

Even today, echoes of this great man are present everywhere. It has been President Donald
John Trump’s dedication to, President John F. Kennedy’s vision, and determination, that he himself is committed to fulfil and complete his own destiny.

I spent many decades reading about John F. Kennedy and the attempted assassination on his life. I wanted to get to the bottom of what actually happened on that day in Dealy Plaza in Dallas, Texas November 22, 1963. I was lead there in October of 2021 to investigate this mystery and connect more dots surrounding him and his incredible family.

My own destiny leads me in a mysterious and strange manner of fate to the place where I would cross paths with an unexpected amount of new information regarding
John F Kennedy and the deeper revelations of a larger Plan to Save the World.

Kennedy is, and remains, the heir, apparent to both his own ancestry and his generations to come. He remains the valiant, steadfast warrior devoted to the Will of God. His many selfless sacrifices for the divine children of God are countless and will be written in the annals of his story, past present and future for all humanity to witness.

Through the sum total of my experiences in life, I would say that just as we watch a movie, or TV series and become connected with the characters, I too became connected with this historic man. Along with so many other characters, I carry him in my heart and consider he is somehow a part of me.

It is an honor to represent my love for this incredible steward of humanity, along with you dear readers, because I know together, we share a connection with him in our hearts.


"The Tao is more than "The Way". It is "The Way and the Way-goer". ~ Elizabeth Clare Prophet