"The Tao is more than "The Way". It is "The Way and the Way-goer". ~ Elizabeth Clare Prophet
As we move forward into the New Heaven and the New Earth, or the 4th Dimension, it is important to begin to put things into perspective and to make the many right decisions needed to gain self-awareness.
The world is not ending, we are finishing with the physically limited dimension and moving forward into spiritually enlightened BE-NESS. This is the news you have been waiting to hear much longer than you may realize. In the days ahead your journey will become clearer and simpler to understand. This is the direction we have been led, into greater harmony with self, others and nature. Dropping old worn out concepts, frustrations and fears is the practice of those who wish complete freedom from seemingly answerless questions.
Understanding The Tao is to understand your very own nature. Your nature is connected soley (literally in-soul) to the Aether, also referred to as the Quantum Field. You could begin by imagining an endless meadow of energy with pinpoints of light everywhere around you.
You could even say that the Quantum Field is also one and the same as what is referred to as, The Akashic Records or even more accurately visualized as the blueprint of all life. Like the Tao, the Akashic Blueprint, is alive. It is energy manifesting as light. It is the splendor and action of the cosmic dance of atoms and photons. The Akshich Blueprint, or the Tao, is the cause and effect of all things. The Tao is itself the cohesive substance of creation that permeates all dimensions. When you cultivate the Tao within you will gain the necessary discipline over your wandering energies. In a most splendid way, you will be ready to step into your role as the ultimate artist, as a conscious creator.
"The Tao is more than "The Way". It is "The Way and the Way-goer". ~ Elizabeth Clare Prophet
In traditional Christianity we understand what Yeshua (Jesus) is telling us about the Blueprint of Life, "I am The Way the Truth and the Life (evenso the Light). No one goes into the Spirit (which is other dimensions) except by first uniting the Divine Masculine (Spirit-self) and the Divine Feminine (matter-self) except by me. The "Me" is the self, the "I" and I AM self. The uniting of these two energies is referred to in biblical scripture as the marriage in heaven. It is the bringing back into the present moment all energies that have been irresponsibly expended through FEAR: discord, inharmony, anger, hatred, envy, brutality, criticism, condemnation, judgment, etc. Thus, the Tao is a place of BE-NESS or single-mindedness.
When you begin to understand the Tao, you begin to understand yourself more beneficially, and you will key into, or begin to resonate with, the awareness of Yeshua (Jesus) and recognize the mastery which he attained and bring it into your own world.
John 14:12
Verily, verily, (truly and certainly) I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
All Divine Children of God are destined to attain self-realization and become the living Master of their World.
“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” ~ FromThe Tao
If you take the time to begin understanding the beauty of the Tao you will move ever closer to inner levels of self-transformation you may not have even considered.
Choose to open your mind and your heart to higher awareness and deeper levels of love as you move forward on your sacred journey.
“The Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them. He lets them go their own way, and resides at the center of the circle.” ~ From The Tao
You are already everything you seek!
Your True Friend in Christ,
Diane Renee
Ascended Master and Dynamic Teacher
Elizabeth Clare Prophet