Romeo Hines
Juliet Hines
As a devotee to the divine feminine and divine masculine in harmony and unity as one, I have spent a lifetime in both worldly and spiritual research. My most significant research is that which I have realized within myself. Having studied many basic principles and understandings of world religions, most notably the I Am Movement over the last 150 years, I have used these key and most important founts of information and knowledge to accelerate my awareness of the importance of the practicality of spirituality. Having realized what one person can do, anyone can do, I focus on cheerleading humanity as my peers and equals, with a special emphasis towards those who are suffering.
I grew up on a farm near Kansas City, Missouri. My solid roots and life experiences from farm life to city life, and to the corporate world prepared me for my spiritual journey, one which I insist that we are all upon whether we are aware of it or not. I refer to this as The Sacred Adventure. My aim is to clarify misunderstandings in spiritual practices and demystify the spiritual path for sojourners in this realm of confusion and illusion. Offering a commonsense approach to spirituality, my unique perspective makes those I meet immediately resonate with me. I am as easily loved by those I meet and hold the space for them because I am driven forward by my devotion to each child of God I meet.
My passion is my brothers and sisters, whom I refer to as the Divine Children of God, and the Sons and Daughters of God and I distinguishe between the two. My enthusiasm centers around freedom for all by offering practical solutions in simple concepts, and the most effective way to reach higher frequencies.
We ascend daily; enlightenment is the eradication of everything we once thought to be true. You are my inspiration and love, dear brothers and sisters. You can achieve rapid reconciliation with your inner self, which is your truest nature, and discard the idea that it takes lifetimes to achieve self-realization and ascension within the light of God that never, never, never fails.
Group events are focused around offering teachings through Q & A sessions. In the east this is referred to as Satsang. Today, with the rapid shift in Earth’s energies, you have the greatest opportunity to move beyond the limitations of what we account to the physical body. I teach that the physical body is important to the clearing and elevation of your frequencies and your final ascension out of the limitations of this realm. Tangible spiritual awareness and feelings of light and the energies within you, this is the event you have been waiting for lifetimes to experience and perfect. For those who are ready, the awakening is already happening. The Bible verse, many are called, few are chosen is important to understand. Who are the chosen ones? YOU!! You are the chosen when you make the decision to take up your bed and walk into the light knowing you can achieve full body ascension. No more antiquated and misunderstood ideas of past centuries. Today the Masters of Light, referred to as the Hosts of Heaven, walk among us. Ready to reveal themselves to assist Earth's evolutions.
“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
~ The Buddha
No one has ever gone up to heaven except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man.
You Are the Son of Man!
“Go and teach all nations, says the Lord I am with you always, until the end of the world.”
~ Jesus The Christ (Yeshua)
You are already everything you seek!