The Teachers of the future are our Brothers and Sisters that have gone before us.
Stephen Tenner is a dear friend. He is an American Actor, Patriot, and Musician. He created the app PatriotFinder.earth and the hit song ThanQ For Coming.
The Summit Lighthouse is a resource for The Ascended Master Teachings, Elizabeth Clare Prophet lectures and Decrees.
President Donald J. Trump Executive Orders.
Dear Friends and Readers,
Many years ago, I watched this incredible documentary that was released by Janet Osebaard. The information and evidence in this documentary is a brilliant testimony and overview of the events which took place shortly after Donald Trump became President of the United States on January 20, 2017. This documentary depicts President Trumps global tour and the events which unfolded that lead to the arrest of very evil men in the highest offices of major countries. He delivered red folders and zip drives revealing the Satanic and ritual child abuse and murder, charged as Crimes Against Humanity.
I leave you with the free choice to watch and research if you choose and discover the many measures that took place during this vital time for our country. It is because I value you as an individual soul that I offer this information.
Sending Love and Light,
Diane Renee
Mustand Debbie's Telegram Channel [1]: https://t.me/MustangDeb