Dedicated to the Revolution in Higher Consciousness: We will indeed face darkness in the days ahead. If we have perseverance, we will learn and grow. If we keep love in our hearts we cannot fail. Dark to Light!

Daily Practice

Take Time Each Day to Go Within

The Path Is The Sacred Adventure

“No one has ever gone up to heaven except the one

Who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man”.

Who is the Son of Man?

You ARE the Son of Man!

“Go out and teach all nations, says the Lord; I am

With you always, until the end of time”.

The Path Is The Sacred Adventure

From mankind’s earliest beginnings, teachers and their texts have been made available to the masses for personal study. In esoteric settings there are few Wisdoms or Master Teachers who will dedicate their time to teach a single person, or a group of students who have shown progress regarding self-mastery, and a dedication and devotion to the Will of God.

Throughout the ages it has been these bringers-of-knowledge who have been considered very dangerous and destabilizing to the controlling establishments in power. Why? Because these teachers reveal the necessity of free will which allows the individual a choice. This choice is to realize, and then master, your own inherent Love, Wisdom and Power and bring harmony and balance by mastering these qualities.

Free will, when assumed consciously, responsibly and wisely, returns to man and woman the knowledge to self-realize and self-empower. This is why the structured world religions and spiritual communities consider it the greatest danger to allow men and women their individual freedoms. As history has proven, the evil forces upon this planet will go to any length to hide the information and knowledge from the people. It is the free flow of information which brings to you the truth that will set you free.

The Revolution in Higher Consciousness is Here Now!

The reality is that this revolution in consciousness is already affecting every part of your life and is bringing to you, your cosmic and spiritual awakening… At the core of this awakening is the unlocking of the energy from your individual and personal God source from within. It is this direct relationship you have been waiting for all your life. The life force that you are destined to encounter is YOU! God within and through you, will bring to you a divine spark of energy that ignites and floods your heart and your entire being with light frequencies.

When you make contact with your true nature, a burst of energy envelops you. This energy delivers a clarity which is meant to bring conscious self-awareness. It is through your conscious awareness of this energy that it brings to you the opportunity and the ability to become the Master of yourself.

Like a magnet, you will draw to yourself others of like mind. Eventually, you will also join forces with your brothers and sisters who have gone before you in this most sacred journey.

You are a magnificent Son or Daughter of God. Together we are destined to participate in this revolution in higher consciousness.

Be Authentic! Be Love! Be Grateful!

Be Joy! Be Peace! Be Harmony!

Welcome to my website! As a new website I look forward to delivering content that you may never have considered before. Remember to return daily for updates and new content. If you are here, you’re a kindred spirit upon our individual and collective journey. I remain devoted to the love and light of God that never, never, never fails.

I love you,
Diane Renee

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