Violet Energy Promise
Dear Fellow Traveler,
Do you know that you are a Scientist? You are the experiment and the experiencer. Test it for yourself, by choosing the violet flame challenge (5 - 15 minutes daily for two weeks) and watch your life begin to transform rapidly. Do not assign positive or negative judgments on the experiences that will show up in your world. Simply know that whatever appears needs your attention. When you are triggered, work through your feelings and release them into the magnificent transmuting energy source of the violet light.
By giving the Violet Energy decrees and singing songs devoted towards using this energy to heal, you are working with God in you. You won't have to guess that changes are occurring. Remember, you are the scientist. Choose no fear and simply begin.
Note: There are 3 key aspects to heal and transform:
1. Engage your voice by decree through the Science of the Spoken Word-right here in the 3D (and eventually 4D) world.
2. Then visualize the negative patterns and thoughtforms being consumed by the violet energy.
3. Generate from your heart great joy and passion by using your feelings to give your thoughts wings.
Your life will begin to transform before your eyes as you experience the healing gift of the Violet Energy. Be wise and know that if you do not try, you will not know for yourself. Stop looking for approval from others. Give yourself the gift of transmutation and transformation. You deserve it!
You are already everything you seek,
Diane Renee
Note: The Violet Energy is the highest spectrum of light we can see in 3D. It is often referred to as the Violet Fire or Violet Flame. It is the wafting violet energy that makes it appear as a flame. This is not a hot flame, but a consuming flame of energy.