Quantum Luminous

Homo Sapiens

Homo Luminous is truly Quantum Luminous.

A Beautiful Soul

Today’s blog features Ishmael Perez. Ishmael has a vital role in our future world. In truth he already does have an important and loving role NOW!

I met Ishmael (and his lovely partner) at The Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, California in February this year. There is no question that he carries himself with a very strong and valiant stature that is otherworldly. His height and demeanor are that of a true giant, with a vast consciousness which translates into his physical body and his auric field.

He has two books available The Secret Government and Our Cosmic origin.

It would behoove you to seek him out, even consider taking one of the classes which he offers monthly, or even to meet him in person.

I would like to say that he is a friend in this life, but the reality is we’ve all had past lives together and since I don’t know him well as Ishmael, my heart knows him as a long-time true friend. So, to make no mistake, I am not saying I know him currently as Ishmael, nevertheless his soul is familiar to me as I’m sure many of you will feel the same.

Thank you, Ishmael Perez for all your selfless work and participation to help raise humanity in so, so many lifetimes here in time and space

~ Diane Renee

Saturday Night Live Upstates! From THE REAL ISMAEL PEREZ

White hat/Alliance Update From THE REAL ISMAEL PEREZ


Masks & Mirrors~Unweaving The Web of Self Deception